Browser and Mailnews FAQs Restructured

Well, I finally did it. A little while ago, I posted about my browser and mailnews FAQs being too big for one page, and that I was considering giving each FAQ item its own page. I contemplated using a content management system, but in the end decided to get rid of template content that I might change, and do it all manually.

I’ve applied these changes to my Netscape 7 Browser FAQ, Netscape 7 Mailnews FAQ, Mozilla Browser FAQ, and Mozilla Mailnews FAQ; so if anyone references those pages, or if you have have a website that contains links to any of the items on those pages, be sure to update your links.

Restructuring My Website

I’ve got a problem. My mailnews FAQs are getting too big for one page. When I first created my help sites, I had considered the idea of putting each item on its own page, with a table of contents linked on the page menu. This would make it easier to provide URLs for each answer, and search engine results would be more accurate.

The problem: what if I want to change the template? My Netscape 7 Help site currently has 185 FAQs. Add the pages linked in the site menu, and that’s almost 200 pages to edit. And I still have around 20 or 30 more to add! I use an external style sheet which would take care of a bit…but not enough.

With a publishing system, like a blog, I am able to change the template, and that change is applied to all pages already published. I need something like that, for my help sites. I’ll do some searching, but if anyone reading this knows of a solution to my problem, please tell me about it.

Bookmarks in RSS

I’ve recently become fascinated with the idea of using RSS to maintain a list of items rather than a feed of news or a log. If used in that way, Mozilla Firefox‘s live bookmarks feature, all of a sudden, has a practical use. My website evolved from one links page, that has now become my main page. I originally created a links page to help users in two ways:
– users wouldn’t have to go through the hassle of maintaining a list of help sites for Mozilla or Netscape.
– users wouldn’t have to clog up their bookmarks with help sites. They could bookmark one site, and use that as a gateway.

It seems to me ‘maintaining a set of bookmarks for others’ is what Live Bookmarks is all about. You set up a Live Bookmark to ‘ help sites’, and now all the sites appear in that Live Bookmark. Whenever I update a link, add a link, or remove a link, that change is reflected in your Live Bookmark.

And so, I’ve created an RSS formatted file for that purpose. Mozilla Firefox users will see the Live Bookmark icon, when visiting the main page, and can click on it to create the Live Bookmark.

I was thinking about the concept a little more and realized that if you store bookmarks in an RSS formatted file, you can use them on a customizable web portal, like Google’s Personalized Home. Supposedly, Internet Explorer 7 is supposed to have much greater RSS support. Maybe it would be possible to actually make Firefox and Internet Explorer use the same bookmarks RSS file. Oh the possibilities…

Feed URL change

I’m changing the URL for this blog’s RSS feed. I’ve never liked the fact that only offers atom feeds, so I’m going through FeedBurner, which turns the feed into RSS 2.0 format. The atom feed will probably continue to be updated by, but I’d rather people use the FeedBurner feed.

I’ll change the link embedded in my blog soon. (If anyone knows how to make it automatically set the link type to “application/rss+xml”, rather than “application/atom+xml” please tell me.)

And the new feed URL is…

I also want to figure out how to automate RSS feeds for comments on my blog. That’s how it should be.