Subscribing to newsgroups on with the Xnews

1. Open Xnews and go to Server -> New.

2. Set the server name to, then click on "OK".

3. Set the alias as then click on "OK". (Using the server name, would probably be least confusing.)

4. Next, the Xnews Setup screen should appear, with the servers tab on top. Within the Servers pane, select the "Custom" tab, and set your identity for this account. Use whatever name you'd like, then click on "Okay". A few notes:
- a real name is always better than an alias
- don't use your first name only. You'd be surprised how many people have the same first name as you. :-)

5. You will then get a message asking you if you'd like to retrieve the list of newsgroups from the server. Choose "Yes".

6. The newsgroup list window will appear, displaying the list of newsgroups on the server.

7. In the text field at the bottom of the window, enter the newsgroup you want to subscribe to. You can also enter part of the name.

8. Available newsgroups that match the search criteria will appear listed. To subscribe to one of them, select the newsgroup, and click on the green plus sign, at the bottom of the window. A green arrow will automatically appear to the left of the newsgroup name.
To subscribe to more groups, just repeat steps 7 and 8.

9. Double-click on a newsgroup to read it, and you're done.

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