Unofficial New Mozilla News Server Information Centre
Server History
The history of Mozilla newsgroups
How Giganews became the host
Giganews hosting the new Mozilla news server
How/When the transition will take place
A Gradual Transition
News server switch date moved to Jan 9th
Accessing the newsgroups
What will the new server name be?
Right now, the server has one name. This is meant as a replacement for the old server, so the old name is used.
Do I have to be a Giganews customer to access the new newsgroups?
Will public access still be free?
Do I have to register or provide credit card info to access the new newsgroups?
Will the new newsgroups be on usenet? (and will they be archived on Google?)
No and yes.
The new groups will not be propagated to usenet, but there will be one feed going to Google, where Google will provide read-only access. There has been some recent discussion about allowing posting via Google Groups, so that might change.
March 29, 2006: Mozilla newsgroups are now allowing posting through Google Groups
Does that mean I should be able to access the groups through my ISP's news server?
No. You won't be able to access the new newsgroups through your ISP's news server.
Will the new newsgroups require a secure connection?
What are the names of the new newsgroups?
The list of new newsgroups (including user-support newsgroups) can be found at:
Where can I find detailed instructions on how to access the server?
I've create a list of instructional pages, listed by newsreader.
Will the new server also carry the netscape.public.mozilla* newsgroups?
During the transition period: yes. One side affect of redirecting the server to Giganews before the newsgroup transition is that the article sequence numbers won't match between the news server at AOL and the Giganews server. This means that you will have a wrong count of which messages are read. (Most likely, all messages will be marked as read, as well as many new ones after that.) It would be best to re-subscribe to your current netscape.public.mozilla.* newsgroups.
After the transition is complete, it is likely that access to the entire netscape.public.mozilla* hierarchy will be closed. A new alias to the old server has been created It is:
Will the new newsgroups be bi-directionally mirrored on mailing lists?
Yes. Lists will be at the domain, and a hyphen will be used in place of periods, when replicating a newsgroup name. The 'mozilla' portion of the list name is also dropped. For example, for the newsgroup, the list will be
Server info
What is the retention of the new server?
Over 14 years
Does the new server honour message cancels?
Does the new server filter binaries in text groups?
Yes. Messages with binary attachments, such as images (screenshots), will be filtered, and will not appear in the newsgroups. Files that can be viewed and edited using a text editor will not be filtered. These include: TXT, CSS, and ICS files, vCards, PGP (inline) or GPG signatures, and HTML posts.
S/MIME signatures are also allowed.
Does the new server support XPAT searches?
No. This means that in Thunderbird, using 'Edit-->Find-->Search Messages' will not work. The same goes for 'Tools-->Search Messages' in SeaMonkey. For more info, see Bug 147884. Using the Search bar, or switching to offline mode before going to "Search Messages" will work.
About the newsgroups
Are there any posting rules/guidelines?
The Mozilla Forum Etiquette page that applied to the previous newsgroups also applies to the new newsgroups.
Will the Mozilla Foundation have the ability to remove/create more groups?
Will the new newsgroups be moderated?
Posting messages will not require approval, but the Mozilla Foundation can remove messages.
Will the Mozilla Champions be moderators of the new support newsgroups?
Will the moderators close threads with a high amount of OT discussion?
Right now, there are no plans to close threads. The Mozilla Foundation is approaching the new groups and moderation, with a "Let's see if we need it first" philosophy.
Will OT discussion be appropriate in the new support groups?
No. Off-topic discussion not taken to private email, mozilla.general, or any place where it is not considered off-topic, by someone who knows they should be taking it elsewhere, is eligible for removal from the news server.
Other info
What will become of the netscape.mozilla.* user support newsgroups on
Those groups were created as an interim solution. Hopefully the traffic there will move on to
Will the AOL server still carry the netscape.public.mozilla.* groups? (if so, will they be marked read-only?)
Nothing will change on the AOL server.
Is Giganews charging the Mozilla Foundation for this service?
No; Giganews is donating use of their news servers to the Mozilla Foundation, in exchange for a sponsorship credit.
Who do we contact in the event of problems with the newsgroups or mailing lists?
File a bug in Server issues should be filed in the Server Operations component of the product. Newsgroup issues having to do with adding/removing/renaming newsgroups go in the Discussion Forums component.
Blog and news links
- Hacking for Christ: New Newsgroups (April 05, 2005)
- MozillaZine: New Mozilla Newsgroups (April 05, 2005)
- Hacking for Christ: Newsgroups List Updated (April 09, 2005)
- Chris Ilias' Blog: The history of Mozilla newsgroups (April 19, 2005)
- Hacking for Christ: Newsgroups List - Last Call (April 22, 2005)
- MozillaZine: Last Call for Comments on Proposed Newsgroup List (April 26, 2005)
- Hacking for Christ: New Newsgroups (August 26, 2005)
- MozillaZine: Giganews to Host Mozilla Newsgroups (August 26, 2005)
- Chris Ilias' Blog: Giganews hosting the new Mozilla news server (August 29, 2005)
- Hacking for Christ: New Newsgroups Quick FAQ (September 06, 2005)
- MozillaZine: New Mozilla Newsgroups FAQ (September 06, 2005)
- 2005-10-03 - Summary of staff meeting (October 11, 2005)
- Proposed Changes to Mozilla Web Sites | PKB (October 31, 2005)
- 2005-12-12 - Summary of staff meeting (December 15, 2005)
- Frequently Asked Questions about the Migration to Giganews (December 28, 2005)
- MozillaZine: Mozilla Newsgroups Migration Scheduled (January 02, 2006)
- Justdave's Blog - News server moving (January 05, 2006)
- Chris Ilias' Blog: It's Alive!! (January 10, 2006)
- Justdave's Blog - has moved! (January 10, 2006)
- Chris Ilias' Blog: Instructions for new newsgroup server (January 15, 2006)
- Hacking for Christ: News Is Done (January 23, 2006)
- Justdave's Blog - News migration complete (January 24, 2006)
- MozillaZine: Mozilla Newsgroups Migration Completed (January 30, 2006)
- Hacking for Christ: Newsgroup Tweaks (February 06, 2006)
- Chris Ilias' Blog: Is your email address safe from spam on (February 09, 2006)
- Vladimir Vukic'evic' » NNTP: still only good for warez (March 27, 2006)
- Chris Ilias' Blog: Mozilla newsgroups are now allowing posting through Google Groups (March 29, 2006)
- shaver » on newgroupery (April 10, 2006)
- XPAT on » Chris Ilias' Blog (August 13, 2006)
- XPAT on » Chris Ilias' Blog (May 21, 2007) (Thunderbird 2 version)
- Bug 62228 - Reorganise Mozilla news hierarchy (tracking bug) (npm usenet newsgroups)
- Bug 33494 - make a mozilla.owners newsgroup
- Bug 63735 - should have antispam guard
- Bug 215294 - move NNTP news ( to server
- Bug 239931 - NNTP server ( needs user support newsgroups
- Bug 173864 - migrate out of AOL
- Bug 322974 - Configure mozilla.test.multimedia as a binary newsgroup
- Bug 324057 - Remove web-developers-* groups/lists
- Bug 324672 - Create mailing lists and newsgroups for devnews/webwatch rss->mail feeds
- Bug 324790 - Add the following newsgroups/mailing lists
- Bug 326759 - mozilla.* newsgroups are leaking.
- Bug 326990 - Newsgroup merges
- Bug 327300 - mailman-nntp gateway should reject messages with attachments
- Bug 328381 - needs a better name
- Bug 328762 - Disable all of the old mozilla-* mail-news gateways
- Bug 330973 - spam filter doesn't work
- Bug 330974 - Mailman Spam filter contents vanish weekly
- Bug 331730 - Proposal to create
- Bug 332584 - mailman should re-encode encoded messages as plaintext before sending to nntp gateway
- Bug 332799 - We need a general newsgroups FAQ
- Bug 333004 - messages not propagating from news to mail
- Bug 339729 - MDC-es in mozilla groups request
- Bug 344847 - Need a newsgroup for the sql project
- Bug 347911 - Need created
- Bug 349559 - create newsgroup
- Bug 352156 - please bounce all messages from non-subscribers
- Bug 355129 - Need mail list for portuguese wiki
- Bug 356724 - newsgroup
- Bug 360797 - newsgroup
- Bug 364618 - Remove newsgroup
- Bug 375426 - Remove
- Bug 375879 - Create new* newsgroups
- Bug 375935 - create newsgroup
- Bug 376980 - Create newsgroup / mailing list
- Bug 380841 - Create to cover linux platform
- Bug 381632 - Create newsgroup
- Bug 381766 - Please create
- Bug 384445 - dev-ports-beos mailing list removal request
- Bug 384869 - Newsgroup rearrangements: web developer hierarchy
- Bug 385041 - remove dev-tech-xpcom newsgroup
- Bug 389738 - create newsgroup
- Bug 391048 - newsgroup for German localization
- Bug 392915 - Request to create newsgroup
- Bug 399282 - create
- Bug 399518 - setup l10n group for spanish team building and collaboration
- Bug 401938 - Google Groups missing most (12/14 articles) of mda.firefox thread
- Bug 402715 - make dev-apps-firefox, dev-themes, dev-usability, feedback-firefox-prerelease, feedback-thunderbird-prerelease, feedback-firefox, feedback-thunderbird and feedback-companion-ebay unmoderated lists
- Bug 403520 - Add an enterprise working group newsgroup
- Bug 419970 - Create newsgroup
- Bug 464609 - Create a newsgroup/mailing list/pigeon network for sheriffs
- Bug 465627 - Create "" newsgroup/mailing list/Google Group