Subscribing to newsgroups on with Netscape Communicator 4
1. Open the Netscape Messenger Winodw and go to Edit -> Preferences.

2. In the Preferences window, go to Mail & Newsgroups -> Newsgroup Servers.

3. Click on "Add", and set the server name to
Leave the port number at 119, and make sure the two checkboxes are unchecked.

4. Click on "OK", then close the Preferences window, by clicking on "OK".
Go to File -> Subscribe.

5. The Subscribe window will appear, and download the list of available newsgroups from the server.
In the "Server" field, use the drop-down menu to select

6. Click on the "Search" tab at the top of the window.
In the "Search for" field, enter the newsgroup you want to subscribe to, then click on "Search Now".
You can also enter part of the name.

7. Available newsgroups that match the search criteria will appear listed.
To subscribe to one of them, click on the newsgroup, and check mark the dot to the right of it.
You can also click on "Subscribe", and a check mark will automatically appear in the corresponding box.
To subscribe to more groups, just repeat steps 6 and 7.
8. Click on "OK", and you're done.
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