Subscribing to newsgroups on with the Opera
1. Open Opera and go to Tools -> Mail and chat accounts.
2. In the Manage Accounts window, click on "New".
3. The New account wizard will appear. is a News account, then click on "Next".
4. Next, you need to set your identity for this account.
Use whatever name and address you'd like, then click on "Next".
A few notes:
- a real name is always better than an alias
- don't use your first name only.
You'd be surprised how many people have the same first name as you.
5. Set the incoming server name to, then click on "Finish".
(if you'd like, set "Outgoing server" to whatever your mail account's outgoing server is.)
6. The Subscribe window will appear, and download the list of available newsgroups from the server.
7. In the text field above the list, enter the newsgroup you want to subscribe to.
You can also enter part of the name.
8. Available newsgroups that match the search criteria will appear listed.
To subscribe to one of them, check mark the box to the left of the newsgroup name.
To subscribe to more groups, just repeat steps 7 and 8.
9. Click on "OK" to close the Subscribe window.
Your account should appear listed in the Manage accounts window.
10. Click on 'Close" to close the Manage accounts window, and you're done.