“Silverman Helps” on CNN

Silverman Helps is a CityNews segment, in which Peter Silverman, a Toronto journalist, helps residence solve red tape disputes, when they feel they are being swindled by local businesses. In a recent episode, a business owner resorted to physical violence, and the footage caught the interest of CNN.

I thought what Anderson Cooper said at the end of the CNN clip was interesting:

“Wow, keeping ’em honest…Just like them, at 360, we want to have you help us keep ’em honest. If there’s a wrong that needs to be made right, in your community, go online [and] tell us about it, at cnn.com/360.”

Did CNN just start doing this, of did they get the idea from Silverman Helps? Peter Silverman has been doing this for years, and really should be commended more for his work as an ombudsman; and the best way to do it, is for every city to adopt the idea.See more here http://www.nomoreh1b.com/greg-jacobs-incredible-dream-machines-review-and-bonus

And yes, that’s the same CityNews, that now employs Amber MacArthur. πŸ™‚

Going on support newsgroups hiatus

In light of Chris Hofmann’s recent call for a discussion regarding building better Firefox support, I looked at the list of tasks I wanted to accomplish on the Mozilla Support site; and found that I’ve been taking too long to accomplish them. The main reason is because whenever I boot up my computer, and check the support newsgroups, there’s usually hundreds of posts to go through. (mozilla.support.firefox and mozilla.support.thunderbird together, had almost ten thousand posts in November alone)

And so I’m going on hiatus from those groups, to get my updates to the support site done. My apologies to David Tenser, who’s been waiting for me to write patches, and file bugs.

My Playlist

iTunes Music Store has a section called “Celebrity Playlists”, which contains playlists made by music celebrities. Why each user can’t create his/her playlist is beyond me; so I’ve created my own, to post on my blog. -)

I tried to cut out as much as I could…honest!

01. Fatboy Slim – Right Here, Right Now [WMA][iTunes]: I first heard this at a club, when it was mixed with Spin Spin Sugar by the Sneaker Pimps, and thought it was cool. I then heard the entire song, specifically the intro. It is the probably the best intro I’ve ever heard. I love them long build ups.

02. 54-40 – Miss You [iTunes]: I’ve always been a 54-40 fan. Some people consider them a pop-rock band, but that’s only because their song writing is so good.

03. A Tribe Called Quest – Scenario [iTunes]: This should be put in vault, and preserved for future generations. One word: craft.

04. Beastie Boys – Get It Together [iTunes]: I had to get a Beastie Boys tune in.

05. BjΓΆrk – Joga [WMA][iTunes]: AKA “State of Emergency”. The strings, the groove…it’s beautiful.

06. Coldplay – Clocks [WMA][iTunes]: Yeah, it’s overplayed; but this is one of very few tunes that I’m still not sick of. I can listen to it over and over again, and not get enough of it.

07. Def Leppard – Let It Go [WMA][iTunes]: Some of you probably don’t know this, but Def Leppard used to be a rock band. -) And a great one at that.

08. Diana Ross and the Supremes – You Keep Me Hangin On [WMA][iTunes]: I don’t know if there’s a specific reason for including this. Everyone should have a Supremes ‘best of’ album in their collection; and this is just one of my favourite tunes.

09. Finley Quaye – It’s Great When We’re Together [WMA][iTunes]: I’m quite disappointed Finley Quaye wasn’t more popular than he was. I remember listening to his “Maverick A Strike” album, while walking to work everyday in hot whether. “It’s Great When We’re Together” is just pure class.

10. Guns N Roses – 14 Years [WMA][iTunes]: Hehe. Get dumped by a girl, then listen to this song. -)

11. Gustav Holst – Jupiter, the Bringer of Jollity [WMA][iTunes]: Maybe Gustav Holst isn’t mentioned in the same instances as Ludwig van Beethoven or Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, but he’s my favourite composer. His “Planets Suite” is a fantastic example of how a story can be told simply through music, which is why I think he’s the grandfather of movie music. In Boston, I was lucky enough to get a copy (this was before MP3s) of ‘The Planets Suite’ played by the Montreal Symphony Orchestra, and I played the CD in our high-school music classroom during lunchtime. The music department head came by, as ‘Mars, the Bringer of War’ was playing, and commented, “John Williams ripped someone off.” ‘Jupiter, the Bringe of Jollity’ is such a beautiful peace of music, its climax will almost bring a tear to your eye. It’s no wonder why it was Princess Diana’s favourite song (someone else later put lyrics to the melody), and played at both her wedding and funeral.

12. INXS – The Stairs [WMA][iTunes]: One of the things I love about INXS is their ability to make something so simple sound so full. “The Stairs” is as uplifting and inspirational as you’re going to hear.

13. Kula Shaker – Temple Of Everlasting Light [Youtube]: This is another “why weren’t they more popular” band. When that chorus kicks in, be ready…

14. Led Zeppelin – The Battle Of Evermore [iTunes]: Led Zeppelin is the greatest band…ever. Try to put together a “Best of Led Zeppelin” album. It’s a box set!

15. Motley Crue – Live Wire [WMA][iTunes]: Yeah, I admit it. I’m a fan of “the Crue”. -) Just don’t listen to this while driving. You’ll get pulled over for speeding, without realizing how fast you were going.

16. Our Lady Peace – Hope [WMA][iTunes]: I feel sorry for OLP. How do you follow the Naveed album? Naveed is the soundtrack to my high-school years.

17. Portishead – All Mine [WMA][iTunes]: The lyrics. The production. The vocals on “mine”. It’s scary good.

18. Rage Against the Machine – Township Rebellion [WMA][iTunes]: Did I say that Naveed is the soundtrack to my high-school years? Naveed and Rage Against the Machine’s debut album are the soundtrack to my high-school years. Township Rebellion is the best example of how cool RATM is.

19. Rush – The Weapon [WMA][iTunes]: I’m a male musician, who grew up in Toronto. I was listening to Rush before I could walk. After that, I really became a fan. In my opinion, ‘Signals’ is their best album.

20. Soul II Soul – Back To Life [WMA][iTunes]: Another one of those “I’ll never get sick of” tunes. I wonder about the origin of that drum loop.

21. Supergrass – Moving [iTunes]: There’s something about that chorus, I can’t put my finger on. The harmonies, the hand claps, the production. I love it. Hand claps are underrated.

22. The Clash – The Call Up [WMA][iTunes]: If someone mentions ‘punk music’, what do you think of? Driving simple guitar lines, and screaming vocalists? The Ramones? The Sex Pistols? The Clash are one of the most experimental bands I’ve heard, and they are amazing songwriters. “The Call Up” defies all the stereotypes of punk.

23. Nina Simone – Sinnerman [WMA][iTunes]: If you’re not a fan of jazz, you haven’t heard Nina Simone.

24. The Verve – This Time [WMA][iTunes]: A friend of mine once asked me, “If you were stranded on an island, what three albums you most like to have?” I think ‘Urban Hymns’ may be one of them.

25. Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers – Runnin’ Down a Dream [iTunes]: Usually, when listing the best songwriters of all time, people tend to mention John Lennon, Paul McCartney, maybe Paul Simon, Johnny Cash. In my opinion, Tom Petty is the best songwriter ever.

26. U2 – Please (Single Version) [WMA][iTunes]: The first time I heard this was when U2 played it on the MTV video awards (probably ’97). By that time, a typical MTV award performance had become either a high-adrenaline, ‘get the crowd involved’ type performance, or a quiet, intimate ballad. “Please” is neither; and for the first time in a long while, the music was so good, I forgot I was watching a performance. “Please” is not a one-trick pony. It’s a dynamic journey.

27. Spacehog – Mungo City [WMA][iTunes]: This tune is catchy enough as it is, but when that robot starts singing the chorus, only Spacehog can pull that off. This song begs for volume.

28. I Mother Earth – Levitate [MP3]: It’s just a forgotten great tune…a forgotten great album.

29. The Rolling Stones – Gimme Shelter [WMA][iTunes]: Her name is Merry Clayton.

30. Massive Attack – Teardrop [WMA][iTunes]: There are a couple of friends of mine that I can’t thank enough, for turning me on to Massive Attack.

Pronouncing ‘Ilias’

I came across this podcast, in which someone referencing my site actually tried to pronounce my name (start at about 12:15 into the podcast). There are a few different pronunciations, but the one used in the podcast is definitely wrong.

My parents are from a part of northern Greece which was part of Macedonia. When the Greeks took over, they changed the names of the villages, and the people’s family names, to make them all sound more Greek. I’m not sure of this spelling, but the Macedonian version was ‘ilivi’, with all ‘i’s sounding like long ‘e’s. (eeleevee)

Whenever I visit my relatives in Greece, my last name is pronounced the way. (eeleeas)
“Ilias” is also a first name in Greek, which is probably why the Greek government chose that name as a replacement.

There are other pronunciations of similar names, of people from around that region. For instance, the NHL player Patrik Elias, who pronounces his name the same way, but with an ‘sh’ sound for the ‘s’, comes from the Czech Republic. (eeleeash)

A more common pronunciation is that like Willem Dafoe‘s character in the movie Platoon. (ee-lie-as)

Another way, which I also considered to be correct is shortening and emphasizing the beginning ‘I’ to sound like “ill”. (ill-eeas)

Any of the above would be considered correct, and I may pronounce it any one of those ways, depending on who I’m talking to; but Todd’s pronunciation was definitely wrong.

Incidentally, I used to pronounce ‘Mozilla’ incorrectly, until I saw Code Rush a few years ago. The correct pronunciation is “Moe-zilla”. (from Mosaic Killa)

I guess that’s life in plain text. -)