SeaMonkey 1.1.1 Released

I haven’t seen anything on Planet Mozilla regarding this…

SeaMonkey 1.1.1 has been released.

Following the Gecko security update releases a few days ago, the SeaMonkey project issued new security and stability releases today for its all-in-one internet application suite. SeaMonkey 1.1.1 is now available for download, fixing several security vulnerabilities as well as a list of problems users of SeaMonkey 1.1 reported to developers.

Duration of the ‘New Mail’ alert in Thunderbird

In Thunderbird, when you receive new mail, an alert will pop up in the lower right corner of the screen (at least on Windows). Some people think it stays up for too long. Others feel that it goes away too fast. There is actually a setting for the duration of the new mail alert, that users can set.

In Thunderbird, go to Tools–>Options, open the Advanced section, select the General tab, then click on “Config Editor.” In the Config Editor, search for the preference alerts.totalOpenTime. Double-click on it, to change the value. Set the value to the amount of milliseconds you want the alert to stay up.

Turn off tab scrolling in Firefox 2

One of the changes in Firefox2 is that there is a limit on how small a tab can be. So what if you have so many tabs, that all tabs at the minimum width won’t fit in the window? That’s when people notice that Firefox2 adds scroll arrows on each side of the tab bar.

But what about those who prefer the old behaviour? You can revert it to the old Firefox behaviour, by entering about:config in the address bar. In the resulting page, search for the preference browser.tabs.tabMinWidth. Double-click on it, and set the value to 0. Then search for the preference browser.tabs.tabClipWidth. Double-click on it, and set the value to 0.

“Silverman Helps” on CNN

Silverman Helps is a CityNews segment, in which Peter Silverman, a Toronto journalist, helps residence solve red tape disputes, when they feel they are being swindled by local businesses. In a recent episode, a business owner resorted to physical violence, and the footage caught the interest of CNN.

I thought what Anderson Cooper said at the end of the CNN clip was interesting:

“Wow, keeping ’em honest…Just like them, at 360, we want to have you help us keep ’em honest. If there’s a wrong that needs to be made right, in your community, go online [and] tell us about it, at”

Did CNN just start doing this, of did they get the idea from Silverman Helps? Peter Silverman has been doing this for years, and really should be commended more for his work as an ombudsman; and the best way to do it, is for every city to adopt the idea.See more here

And yes, that’s the same CityNews, that now employs Amber MacArthur. 🙂