Firefox featured on CBC news Toronto

When channel surfing, I landed on a station, in which the web site was prominently featured on a computer screen, while the guy sitting in front of it, was just finishing a news feature. I only caught the last sentence, “CBC news, Toronto.”

That’s all I needed. I went to the CBC Toronto web site, and viewed today’s news cast (at Six). It was a full feature on Firefox, including footage of both Senaca and the Mozilla Toronto office, as well as many interviews, including our man Shaver.

The video is on the CBC web site. The Firefox bit is around the 38:00 mark. I’ll look around for a video of just the feature on Firefox.

UPDATE: Found it on Google Video.


Now that the “Support” link on is pointing to, a couple of questions come up about

Will it still exist? Yes.

What should we do with it?
That has been discussed  a bit in bug 353478. The plan is to section it by product (like the downloads page or the products page), with each product having one link to its corresponding support site. It’s not too late to disagree with that plan.

Unfortunately, both Reed and I are swamped; so if anyone wants to take on that bug, we’d love you forever and ever.

Thank you Nelson Ko

Earlier this week, Nelson Ko applied some patches to the TikiWiki system, which have greatly improved our whole contributor/review process.

  • All edits now go through a staging copy.
  • There is an auto-generated list of all articles not the same as the staging copy.
  • Approving an edit is as easy as clicking on a link.
  • The contributor’s name is then automatically added to the live version (giving credit where credit is due).
  • We can now have hidden article tags (possible tag: NeedsMacInfo)
  • The anchor issue posted on the Firefox Support blog is now fixed.
    • Correct syntax: ((article name|#anchor name|text being linked))
  • and more.

This post is my BIG thank you to Nelson. The Firefox Support web site as been greatly improved.

For those wanting to localize the Firefox Support KB

Unfortunately, JT’s blog does not allow posting without a Google account; so I’m posting this here.

On JT’s blog Cédric commented about the lack of localization currently on the Firefox Support knowledge Base. In order to ensure a level of consistency and quality, the growth of the KB has been mostly a controlled growth. Upon reviewing articles, I noticed that quite a few of the articles that needed major revisions, were already localized. It doesn’t really make sense (to me at least) to start localizing, without a solid en-US base.

We now have around 75 articles that have been reviewed, and deemed ready to go live. Even after that, I can’t review articles written in a language I don’t understand. We’re going to need l10n leaders to take on reviewer roles.

Anyone wanting to get more involved, please feel free to speak up in the newsgroup.

Importing data

Instead of having one article in the Firefox Support knowledge base for importing user data (bookmarks, passwords, cookies, form data, history, etc.), I’ve decided to split it by product. We now have an urgent need to get these articles created, before September 31.

I’ve already created placeholders:

Feel free to contribute content to those articles. If you have any questions on how to format the articles, all pages in the Mozilla Knowledgebase category are ready to go, and can be used for formatting references. We also have a Manual of style, and Best Practices Guide.

Remaining Firefox Support articles and areas of concern

Almost all of the articles in the list, for the alpha version of Firefox Support have been assigned, and most of those have been drafted. So far, the response has been better than [at least I] expected; and I can’t thank contributors enough for the great work they’ve done. Out of the articles remaining, the majority are troubleshooting articles, and add-on articles. We need people to author articles for:

  • Firefox will not start
  • Video or Audio doesn’t play
  • Error loading any web site
  • Firefox crashes
  • Unable to download or save files
  • Unable to install add-ons
  • Recovering a profile that suddenly disappeared
  • Firefox.exe always stays open
  • Plugin scanning
  • Adobe Reader
  • Java
  • QuickTime
  • ActiveX
  • RealPlayer
  • Standard Diagnostic
  • Antivirus software
  • Roaming profile

Some other notes.
The best practices for support documents page includes a couple of guidelines to prevent screenshots from increasing the width of support pages. One way is to only crop what is needed. Another is to resize your screenshots to 75%. You can also resize the Firefox window, to be less wide, before you take the screenshot.

Simply copying and pasting content from MozillaZine is not what we want. Take the opportunity to make articles more understandable to mom.

Many of the articles have been written for one platform only (mostly Windows). If you’re a Mac or Linux user, feel free to add Mac and Linux content to others people’s articles.