For those wanting to localize the Firefox Support KB

Unfortunately, JT’s blog does not allow posting without a Google account; so I’m posting this here.

On JT’s blog Cédric commented about the lack of localization currently on the Firefox Support knowledge Base. In order to ensure a level of consistency and quality, the growth of the KB has been mostly a controlled growth. Upon reviewing articles, I noticed that quite a few of the articles that needed major revisions, were already localized. It doesn’t really make sense (to me at least) to start localizing, without a solid en-US base.

We now have around 75 articles that have been reviewed, and deemed ready to go live. Even after that, I can’t review articles written in a language I don’t understand. We’re going to need l10n leaders to take on reviewer roles.

Anyone wanting to get more involved, please feel free to speak up in the newsgroup.