13 Responses

  1. David Hammond February 26, 2008 / 2:52 pm

    Web 2.0 is a meaningless buzzword that covers everything from programming models and business models to visual aesthetics and even individual specifications and tools. Cloud computing is more specific.

  2. Jeff Walden February 26, 2008 / 3:20 pm

    One’s a buzzword, and the other…oh, wait.

  3. Havvy February 26, 2008 / 5:17 pm

    Cloud Computing is a way of searching through data. Basically an indexing method.

    Web 2.0 is sharing entire pieces of data between different websites. It can be used as a buzzword.

  4. Chris Cunningham February 27, 2008 / 6:59 am

    The correct, definitive answer to this is simple. Cloud computing is about computers. Web 2.0 is about people.

    – Chris

  5. Olly February 27, 2008 / 7:34 am

    One is harnessing water suspended in the sky to do our computing.

    The other one isn’t.

  6. Zia March 14, 2008 / 11:33 am

    Say, I like your blog!

  7. Tim O'Reilly March 21, 2008 / 12:42 pm

    Cloud computing refers specifically to the use of the internet as a computing platform; Web 2.0, as I’ve defined it, is an attempt to explore and explain the business rules of that platform. E.g. it’s a network-based platform, therefore, successful applications harness network effects, in everything from viral distribution to user contribution. It’s also a data-oriented platform, where applications are built on databases that get richer the more people use them. etc.

  8. roger fritz July 30, 2008 / 9:08 am

    Web 2.0 is related to programming models and business models. Cloud computing is more definite.
    California Treatment Centers

  9. roger fritz July 30, 2008 / 9:12 am

    Web 2.0 is related to programming models and business models. Cloud computing is more definite.
    California Treatment Centers

  10. Jane February 28, 2009 / 5:16 pm

    I know this blog is old, but hopefully someone still checks it out.
    The more I read about this, the more confused I get. I know something like Mapquest – a web based application is considered Web 2.0. I think Google apps are considered Cloud computing. Is the difference that I am not really using any data in mapquest (other than addresses) but in Google apps I would be using it as a replacement for say, my word processing program so I am using my data with the program? I need a real basic explanation here. Thanks.

  11. jonny rocket March 9, 2009 / 11:34 pm

    the trend is starting for cloud computing. what that means is that someday you will not have a computer with a hard drive and store your files and stuff at home. it will be stored away on some companies giant servers, alot of them. you will become a client. that’s where broadband comes into play. everyone will be connected on-line constantly, and you will send all your pics and docs to your cloud servers. they say this will happen real soon. we are going back to mainframes and such and become subscription based. that is what google is doing with google apps. amazon also sells cloud storage for a small fee. sometimes this can be good and sometimes this can be bad. [privacy]


  12. Sri Ram Kishore May 25, 2009 / 5:57 am

    Web 2.0 is a trend

    Cloud Computing is a Technology

  13. New Toronto Condos October 9, 2009 / 12:08 am

    Web 2.0 is a culmination of technologies which allows webpages to act as more responsive applications. Cloud Computing is a business model for hosting these services.


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