I’ve been using Thunderbird branch builds daily, since before the new Thunderbird theme landed, two and a half months ago; and the new Thunderbird theme has not grown on me. It’s too beige. It’s too yellow. There’s no variety of colour. It lacks vibrancy. Every time I open the latest 1.5 release, it’s such a welcome relief on the eyes, after looking at TB2.
I’m sorry Arvid. I know you worked hard on the new theme. I understand the desire to have a visual difference between TB1 and TB2; but I don’t see the improvement. I don’t see the theory behind the changes (except for the background of the message-list pane); and after two and a half months of daily use, I think I’ve given it a fair shot.
UPDATE: Not labelling these screenshots was intentional. Show this post to someone who’s never seen Thunderbird, and see what they choose.