I don’t know why, but some people prefer to have a splash screen appear, as an application is loading. Netscape has one, the Mozilla application Suite has one, but Firefox does not.
Yes, you can add one, if you like.
– Download this splash.zip file.
– extract the files within it to your Firefox program directory
– edit the splash.ini file (text editor, like Notepad, should work), so the file paths are correct
– change your shortcuts to point to splash.exe
If you want to change the splash screen provided above, replace the splash.bmp file with a BMP file of your choice. Just make sure you rename it to splash.bmp, thus replacing the included file.
That was a good one. Someone should come up with an extension, so that one need not have to unzip, verify the properties etc.. Anyways for now this is too godd 🙂
Would be really cool if it allowed transparency (say a gif or better yet a png) so you could have a round splash screen. Thanks for the app though. My hotkeys and startmenu shortcuts still start without the splash but I put a shortcut to the splash.exe in my quick launch stuff, in case I decide I want to look at the pretty fox.
Yea this is cool, good work, easy to edit too. I like the setting for duration period.
Invader – DUDE awesome i was trying to make something like this but you saved me the time thank you.
This is quality. Good skills!
Good work! Mozilla wasn’t the same without its splash screen. 😉
I can’t understand why those guys always change such details without giving the user a choice.
If you ever stumble upon this program’s source having some spare time, please add an option to adjust the position of the splash screen.
Thanks for the splash. The only downside to using Firefox was never knowing if it was still opening or if it just crashed. This splash solves this.
I can’t get the splash screen to display anything. It just loads firefox. Do you know why? I click on the shortcut (which goes to splash.exe) and I edited the splash.ini and the paths are right. There is a picture in the folder. So why doesn’t it display?
Artful GIF Animator imports and exports multiple graphic formats, drag and drop JPEG, BMP, GIF, ICO and even AVI files into the program and then edit and preview frames on the fly!
Great app, but I tried it in ‘Portable Firefox’ and I couldn’t make it work. It would be great if worked cause I made some WAMP apps running from a CD that I force them to work with a PF copy on it; if I can change the splash will be compareless.
This is terrific. Just what I was looking for. Two questions:
1. Where does the Prefetch parameter go?
2. This works great from the launch bar where I changed the shortcut but… If I launch from a link or .htm filename it goes directly to FF. Do I need to change ALL the Associations?
Thanks… Bob
Would this work OK for Thunderbird also?
Hi Chris,
The work is cool.
Just wanted to know how you did it. I require something similar to my project.
Hi, Does it WOrk to FireFox 3 too? (Gran Paradiso)