Making Thunderbird use Google Maps

[for Mozilla Thunderbird users]
If you use the address book in Mozilla Thunderbird, you’ll notice a little button that appears in Address area of the Card Summary Pane, entitled Get Map. If you click on it, your default browser will open, going to the MapQuest website, in search of a map to that person’s address. Pretty nifty. ;-)
Some people might prefer to use Google Maps for this feature. Here’s how to change it:
It would probably be best to use the AboutConfig extension; so if you don’t already have it installed, install it.
Using the AboutConfig extension, look for the preference:
Double-click on it, and edit the value to:,%20@A2,%20@CI,%20@ST,%20@ZI
For more info see:

6 Responses

  1. Leonie February 5, 2007 / 9:14 pm

    Great tip! I wasn’t about to use to map that comes with Thunderbird because I live in Australia – now I can look up addresses in Google.

  2. Adrian Gould July 21, 2007 / 10:47 am

    Great, thanks for that. Now here’s an idea for you, and I’ve not managed to find an implementation elsewhere – how can you include an html link in a field in an address book entry (say, notes) – I mean in the same way you might when commenting here? null link

    The webpage field is fine, but I often want to add a couple more (which is easy in Outlook). For example, a link people’s Facebook/Bebo/you name it.

  3. Adrian Gould July 21, 2007 / 10:48 am

    Great, thanks for that. Now here’s an idea for you, and I’ve not managed to find an implementation elsewhere – how can you include an html link in a field in an address book entry (say, notes) – I mean in the same way you might when commenting here? null link

    The webpage field is fine, but I often want to add a couple more (which is easy in Outlook). For example, a link people’s Facebook/Bebo/you name it.


  4. Tim May 8, 2008 / 10:45 am

    Thanx VERY much ! Needed that JUST now and there it was on the web for me.
    Just need to figure out how to get a googleearth button or a select from menu in there now and I am all set !

  5. Greg August 8, 2008 / 10:58 pm

    Legend! Exactly what I was looking for. Why the hell wouldn’t it use gmaps in the first place? Or at least have the option to choose? Thanks a heap!

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