Any Deer Park (Firefox trunk) users, who like to use the SpellBound extension, will probably have noticed that SpellBound does not work on Deer Park Alpha 2, and the latest nightlies.
To fix it, you need to download and install (or unzip) the latest Thunderbird trunk build.
– in Deer Park, disable the SpellBound extension
– close Deer Park
– in the Thunderbird program folder, go into the \components\ folder, and copy the files: myspell.dll and spellchk.dll
– paste them into the \components\ folder of your Deer Park program folder
– start Deer Park, and enable the SpellBound extension
You should have to restart Deer Park, and you’re done!
has anyone tried just dragging the two myspell files out of the compressed tbird installer file, into the components folder?