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Before You Email Me

Sometimes people mistake my email address for an extra user support venue. It is not a user support venue.

If someone is looking for technical support, the first thing he/she should do is search through as many online resources as possible. They are published with that intention. If you cannot find the answer to your question through searching the web, ask in a public forum, like a newsgroup. Better yet, search that newsgroup/web-forum before posting your question. If you are unable to post to a certain newsgroup/web-forum, look for alternate forums.

In the past, I've said that if you are emailing me for tech support because you are unable to post to a newsgroup, that's okay. There are now too many user support venues out there for me to believe one can't access any of them. With that in mind I must emphasize: Do not email me technical support questions. I will delete your message right away, without answering.

Why is technical support through email a bad thing?
When I answer a question in a public forum, that answer is available for the public to read. Those with similar problems will be able to see my answer; and won't have to post a question. Additionally, I won't have to answer the same question repeatedly.

Now, if you have any comments or questions concerning the ilias.ca website, please feel free to email me at contact5(at)ilias.ca.